5 Reasons Your Website Is Loosing Money

5 reasons your website is losing money & you don’t even know it

My website is losing money ? Has became a commonly asked question in this digital era. This is due to the easy access of technology. If someone needs a website they just go for a tool which helps them to create it as fast as possible, under restimating the pros & cons of doing so. Rather then the above scenerio there are many more things which should not be neglected, most of the websites fails just due the following points. They are as follows.

You’re not using it, therefore your website is losing money:

Would you buy an axe, leave it in the shed, and then complain when the wood never gets chopped? Just like an axe, a website is a tool. It’s a means to an end

You refuse to invest in it, therefore your website is losing money:

Everyone has a website – yours needs to stand out. The difference between a Ford Falcon and a Ferrari is obvious. The difference between a $300 website and a $3000 website might not be obvious, but it’s just as significant.

You’re overpaying for old technology, therefore your website is losing money:

If your business is old, you’re probably overpaying for some sort of technology. Even domain names can be a ripoff

You’re website sucks, therefore your website is losing money:

If it’s slow, it’s costing you money

If it’s not responsive, it’s costing you money

If it’s hard to use, it’s costing you money

If it’s ugly, it’s damaging your brand

No one can find it, therefore your website is losing money:

The good news is, there are many ways to help your audience find your website. Some of the best ways include appearing in search engine results (Google, Bing and Yahoo), Social Media and good old-fashioned paid advertising.

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